Thursday, January 26, 2012

A Whole New World

Let me start by saying that I believe every day is an adventure.  Oh, the adventures I've had!  Turkeys of shame, child eating monkeys, and a child that will eat ABSOLUTELY everything, oh my!  Don't worry, we'll get to these in good time.

Today's adventure is creating this blog.  After much procrastination, I've finally done it...I've created a blog!  My little space in the universe to share my trials and any tips and tricks that I have learned along the way to make life easier.  As an added bonus there will also be funny stories that you can point to and say " least I'm not _________." You fill in the blank.  That crazy, that bad of a mom, the only one...etc.  

I hope that you'll enjoy reading about my journey as much as I enjoy being on it!


  1. Welocme to blogland. Now that both of us have blogs perhaps I should update mine as it's been alone since the spring.

  2. yeah! I forgot to give you some "comment love" the other day. Comment love...ah, it always reminds me that people actually do read my blog! lol..congrats on starting this journey :)

  3. Thank you ladies! It's nice to know that I'm not out here talking to myself :)

  4. Love the blog! Now I'm questioning all the products I'm using. What an excellent article. I'm loving this and am now an avid follower!
